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Here for the LGBTQ+ community, unconditionally

June 29, 2023

Happy Pride Month! Evergreen Health is, and always has been, a place where LGBTQ+ people can come for unconditionally affirming and accessible health care. Since 1983, when a group of volunteers came together to support community members who were facing the emerging HIV and AIDS crisis, we’ve focused on the unique health care needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

Evergreen isn’t just a place where LGBTQ+ folks can access affordable primary, medical and behavioral health care in an understanding environment. We specialize in care and supportive services for the LGBTQ+ community, like:

  • hormone replacement therapy, tailored to your needs
  • testing, prevention and treatment for STIs, HIV and hepatitis C
  • linkage to gender-affirming surgery providers
  • gender affirming pelvic health care
  • gender affirming mental health counseling
  • legal help with name and gender marker changes
  • community, social and support groups at the Pride Center of Western New York

On top of the affirming care LGBTQ+ folks can get at Evergreen, our affiliate, the Pride Center, offers a variety of services and programs for the LGBTQ+ community. There’s a Silver Pride coffee hour for LGBTQ+ folks over 50, a sexual health and drug use discussion group for young men who have sex with men, a group for transgender youth and their caregivers, a networking group for LGBTQ+ professionals and more. Follow @thepridecenter on social media or visit their calendar to learn more about upcoming events.

The Pride Center also provides Cultural Competency trainings to organizations across Western New York. These trainings help make everyday spaces safer and more affirming for LGBTQ+ people by teaching communication skills, developing tolerance, and enhancing learning and work environments. Learn more or request a training the Pride Center at pridecenterwny.org/WhatWereHereFor/Training.

Western New York’s support for the LGBTQ+ community grows each year, evidenced by the many organizations who have participated in the Pride Center’s Cultural Competency trainings, and by the ever-growing turnout at the Buffalo Pride Parade and Festival. Each year, more and more people march down Elwood Avenue and come out to Canalside to celebrate love and resilience while supporting the Pride Center — proceeds from the Pride Parade and Festival go to programs at the Pride Center that give right back to the LGBTQ+ community.

Evergreen and Buffalo’s LGBTQ+ community: 40 years of unconditional care

Evergreen Health was founded in 1983, under the name Buffalo AIDS Task Force, by a group of volunteers who wanted to support members of their community who were facing the emerging HIV and AIDS crisis. The following is a brief history of Evergreen’s work with Western New York’s LGBTQ+ community. For more history and photos, see our full historical timeline page.

1983: Buffalo AIDS Task Force (BAFT) is established. Later that year, BATF incorporates as the Western New York AIDS Program (WYNAP).

1984: The WNYAP receives a grant from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute to begin operations as WNY’s regional AIDS Community Service Program.

1987: The WYNAP implements HIV/AIDS educational programs for community members and professionals. A small group of friends gathers at WNYAP to make a fabric memorial in honor of a friend who died from AIDS related illness, creating the Mending of the Hearts Memorial Project.

1990: WYNAP changes its name to AIDS Community Services of Western New York (ACS) and adopts the evergreen tree logo. ACS sponsors a regional HIV forum, begins a prison initiative to provide HIV/AIDS education to inmates, sponsors the first Cause for Celebration event.

1991: ACS opens its first satellite office in Jamestown to serve people with HIV living in Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties.

1996: ACS receives its Article 28 license from the NYSDOH and begins providing primary care and HIV specialty care services under the name Evergreen Health Services.

2003: ACS sponsors a new fundraiser, Dining Out for Life™, in collaboration with 27 local restaurants and raises $22,069 for HIV and AIDS services.

2008: Trustees of The Pride Center of WNY vote unanimously to join the Evergreen Association in order to bring services and programs to more LGBTQ+ people across Western New York.

2010: The Pride Center takes over planning and implementation of Buffalo’s Gay Pride Parade and Festival.

2011: ACS changes its corporate name from AIDS Community Services to Evergreen Health Services. The name change reflects expanded services to people living with other chronic illnesses in addition to HIV.

2012: Evergreen begins offering STI screening and treatment services with support from the Pharmacy at Evergreen. Evergreen begins offering rapid testing for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and is approved to receive free HCV test kits from the NYSDOH.


EvergreenHealth 40th Logo color website
Evergreen Health, founded in 1983 under the name AIDS Community Services, has been providing unconditional care to underserved communities for 40 years.
Help us continue to provide unconditional medical, behavioral and supportive services for another 40 years by becoming a donor today.