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PrEP Aware Week 2023: PrEP is for Every Body

October 24, 2023

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that prevents HIV. If you are currently HIV negative and have ongoing potential for exposure to HIV, PrEP might be right for you.

“The theme for PrEP Aware Week 2023 is ‘PrEP is for Every Body,’ which references two social movements: sex positivity acknowledging that all consensual sexual activities are fundamentally healthy; and body positivity, celebrating all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities,” explain the campaign’s organizers. You can learn more on PrEP Aware’s website, PrEPforSex.org.

Representing Buffalo, one of this year’s PrEP Aware Ambassadors is Angelica Gonzalez. She says, “PrEP is a part of my self care routine.” Here’s why Angelica takes PrEP:

Is PrEP safe?

PrEP is safe, with very few people experiencing side effects. Your doctor will determine if PrEP is right for you and follow up with you, including ongoing regular testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

You must have a negative HIV status to take PrEP. Your doctor will test you for HIV prior to starting PrEP. If a person has a positive HIV test during their visit, they have the opportunity to start treatment right away. People living with HIV who reach Undetectable status cannot transmit HIV.

PrEP prevents HIV transmission when taken regularly, which is a relief for so many patients. PrEP prevents a life-long chronic illness, that although treatable, currently has no cure. Being on PrEP also means you protect your sexual partners from HIV transmission. It is a discreet and convenient option for many individuals.

For some people, remembering to take medication regularly is a struggle. If taking a daily pill is difficult or inconvenient for you, ask your doctor about the injectable version of PrEP medication, which is given periodically by your doctor. If you prefer the daily pill, we recommend using alarms or putting your medication next to your toothbrush so you remember to take it.

Although PrEP does prevent HIV when taken regularly, it does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections. Your doctor will talk with you about a prevention strategy that works best for your life.

To offset cost as a barrier, Evergreen Health offers insurance provider navigation to ensure that PrEP is accessible. Most people who see an Evergreen provider and use the Evergreen pharmacy pay $0 out of pocket.

Is PrEP right for me?

PrEP provides control for HIV negative individuals. By taking PrEP, you can eliminate your chances of becoming HIV positive. If HIV is a concern for you, PrEP could be a great way to ensure a healthier future.

We recommend PrEP for people who: have sex with multiple and/or anonymous partners, have sex without a condom (regularly or sometimes), are unsure of their sex partners’ HIV status, have recently been diagnosed with an STI/STD, and for those who use injection and/or mood-altering drugs, like methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy.

PrEP specialists are available at Evergreen Health to discuss if PrEP is right for you. Just give us a call at 716-847-2441.

PrEP for your future

If you think there’s a chance you could become HIV positive, PrEP might just be a healthy choice for your future. Our specialists will work with you to determine if PrEP is right for you based on your health goals and lifestyle. Call Evergreen Health today for stigma-free healthcare.